‘Therapeutic’ definition: the branch of medicine concerned with the treatment of disease and the action of remedial agents.
Google definition of yoga therapy: Yoga is an ancient practice of harmonizing the body with the mind and breath using physical poses, breathing exercises and meditation. ... Yoga therapy is a process of empowering individuals to progress toward improved health and well being through the application of the teachings and practices of yoga.
Yoga therapy can be done in small groups or individually and it will emphasise a collaborative relationship between therapist and client. The idea to meet yourself as you are, whatever is going on with you, accept what you find and work together to improve your physical and mental health if thats needed. Generating self-compassion is a major component in yoga therapy, as it is only through this loving energy that healing and health promotion will occur. We can have many old patterns, beliefs and blocks in the way of taking better care of ourselves, some that go back to childhood. The inner work required to clear away obstacles that stand in the way of our innate inner state of peace and love often takes some commitment and hard work. That is the work that therapist and client co-create week by week as you move towards deep self-understanding and acceptance.
The postures and breath-work of yoga provide the best ‘way in’ to work with and shift the blocks that hold us back from evolving into an enlightened being.